Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bi-coastal blogging

To keep things fresh, I wanted to post a few pictures from our Christmas in NJ. I, Amber, am now back in the Attle, missing my boys ever so much. They return to me next week so until then, Richie and I will be doing some bi-coastal blogging to keep everyone up-to-date. Here are a series of 'firsts' for Max.

First snowfall

First Christmas morning

First unwrapping of a present

First present

First family photo

Friday, December 25, 2009

Maxwell's Origin Story

Merry Christmas! Oh man I LOVE Christmas! This is my absoulte favorite time of year. We even got some snow. Fantastic.

Now that we have shown you all the first generation of Origin Videos, here is the beginning of the next generation.

So, without further ado...Maxwell's Origin Story.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Marc's Origin Video

Last but not least we come to Marc.

In a large family like mine there is an interesting relationship that develops between the oldest and youngest sibling. It is a little like parent training. I look at Max now and I remember what Marc and Jackie were like at that age, and to a lesser extent Michael and Joy. I remember the fun I had when playing of them, teaching them things, showing them something for the first time.

So if there are any older siblings out there just starting nice to your younger siblings, they think you are the coolest thing in the world. And when they grow up you want them to have memories of what an awesome older brother you were.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Jackie's Origin Video

7 years after their intial cluster of children, (or as I like to call them, The Original Three) my parents decided to have another child. To this day they swear Jackie was not an accident. I guess I just have to take their word for it.
This one ran a little long (probably because video tape was a lot cheaper than 8mm film) so I had to post it in two parts.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Joy's Origin Video

Mom has let it slip more than once that she really wanted a girl when I was born. I'm sure she thought it would never happen when Michael was born. Then, finally, she got her little girl.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Michael's Origin Video

Next up is Michael, born March 5th, 1975. My brother was always my best friend growing up so please don't misinterpret any of my actions in this video.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Richie's Origin Video

Four months to the day after each of his children were born my father shot a short movie depicting how they were "found." We always loved these growing up and despite the countless hours of home movies taken over the years it was always these goofy little shorts we would pull off the shelf and watch whenever we were feeling nostalgic.

So when Max was born I knew we would be creating an origin video for him.

We hope you like it, but before the debut we invite you to enjoy the movies that started it all.

Everyday, now until Christmas, I will be posting one of the Mancino children's origin videos with special commentary from the creator himself, my father (with additional commentary from the co-creator, my mother)

So, without further ado, for the first time anywhere besides our living room, my origin video.

Christmas in New Jersey (part 2)

I was too tired and lazy last night to post any of the video. Here is a little more of what we have been up to the past couple of days.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas in New Jersey

Hello all,

We are now 2 days into our 2 week tour of NJ. And by tour I mean Nana's kitchen, Kohls, Marshalls, and Costco. All of which we have already been to at least once already. We would have blogged sooner, but it is always crazy when we first get into town. Made only craizier this time around with the addition of Max and his adorable cousin Romolo (making his debut on the Mancino Chronicles) The weekend is here and we are not sure the next time we are going to get to blog so here is a lovely potpourri of what has been going on so far.

Max & Romolo

Max, Romolo, Amber & Aunt Jackie

Amber & Max Christmas shopping

Max & Uncle Michael

Max & Uncle Marc

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Max is 6 Months Old

Well he finally did it, Max finally learned how to roll over. We are so proud of our little man. Of course, this makes it a bit more difficult to take his picture now.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas time is here

We had a great Christmas kick off weekend.
First, Richie and I were able to enjoy a Maxless night which was awesome. We were able to walk around in downtown Seattle, see some lights, take in a movie and then enjoy a nice meal together. The best part though....getting some glorious sleep. It was a Christmas Miracle!
Then Saturday, we headed down to Ama's house for Christmas and retrieve our son. Max got his first Christmas present, seen below....Ty said that he should help Max open it since it was his first time. Good thing Max has Ty to show him the ropes..or should I say, rip the paper.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Max is the undisputed Table Slap champion

Don't ask me what the rules are, he's never quite fully explained them to me. I just know he is the best.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dad & Max at the Gingerbread Village

Today I took Max down to see the Gingerbread Village at the downtown Seattle Sheraton. It was okay, I guess I was expecting a little bit more. To call it a Gingerbread village is a bit of stretch. It's more like a Gingerbread gated community. Oh well, far be it from me to humbug your holiday plans, feel free to judge for yourself.

Here is the link if you want more info:

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Max Can't Sit

I'm trying out this new video editing software. I still have a lot to learn but until then please enjoy this roughly edited video montage of max trying to sit up.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Waahhhh! Nana's gone!

Well, my mom went back to NJ today. Max and I put up a brave front when we dropped her off at the airport, but as you can see by the picture we totally lost it once we got home. The two weeks went by so fast, and we all had so much fun. (yes even Cayman. He only kept trying to break into her room because he loves her so much, and he expresses that love by trying to cover everything you own in his fur.) We are counting down the days until Christmas when we can see you again. We love you Nana!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Max is 5 months old

I'm sure Max's 5 month picture will come as no suprise to anyone who reads this blog. If there is one thing this kid excels at it is eating. Yet somehow he manages to keep his boyish figure at 17 pounds and 27 inches.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rain, rain go away...

Well today was the first day in almost a week that it hasn't rained and we certainly made the most of it. Personally I love the rain but my mother was starting to go a bit batty. First, of course, the garden. Poor Nana has been practically clawing at the sliding glass door ever since she got out here to get her hands on our tiny but seriously over-grown backyard. So while Max napped we weeded and pruned.

Once Max was up, fed, and changed we were off.

First up, was the Honore Artisan Bakery in Ballard. I heard about this pastry they make called a macaron. And that is not a typo, it is a macaron, not a macaroon. Pretty, delicious, and very difficult to describe.

Next, Chocolopolis in Queen Anne. If there is one thing Nana loves more than gardening it is chocolate. This place is a true mecca for the chocolate lover. The owner was working (she is the one on the left of Nana) and the place was pretty dead so we more or less had her to ourselves. She talked extensively to us about the different kinds of chocolates and let us try sample after sample. It was a lot like wine tasting but with chocolate.

After that it was off to Lowes. Mom wanted to buy some bulbs for the garden. They didn't have what she wanted so we went up to Sky Nursery. That is Max and me in the greenhouse.

At Sky I got a text from Amber that Katy was coming over for dinner tonight so the final stop was to Central market for some bread and dessert. I went with something called a Champagne cake. Yeah, I never heard of it either. Even the girl behind the counter couldn't really describe it. I'm a sucker for strange foods so let's hope it's good.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How many adults does it take to feed a baby?

Another eating video!? What do you want from me, there is not a lot that they do at this age. Would you rather see a pooping video? I think not. Please note our poor neglected cat Cayman in the background. The look on his face seems to say, "Seriously? It takes three people to feed this kid now? Meanwhile it's almost noon and my food dish is still empty."

My Son the Narcissist

Nothing amuses Max more than himself.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

His Cuteness is matched only by his disgustingness

The Baby that ate Seattle

I swear we feed this kid on a regular basis. But you wouldn't know it the way he is attacking his cereal, and burp cloth, and Nana, and pretty much anything else within arms reach.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yeah! Nana is in Town!

So my mother got in yesterday for a two week visit. And none too soon because apparently I have been doing absoultely everything wrong. Fortunately she is willing to point this out to me continuously throughout the day. I kid, I'm really glad she is here and I know what you are thinking but Amber and my mother actually get along really well. No seriously, they do. Really. Well, you are just going to have to take my word for it. Anyway, Lettie sure does have a lot of energy for a woman her age. Hell, she has got a lot of energy for a woman my age. I am worn out and this is only day one. And believe it or not she is a retired teacher, not a truck driver. Max sure is happy she is here.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Daddy says...Max still loves/hates his mobile

Greetings good denizens of the blogosphere. There is a new voice on the Mancino Chronicles. It is I, Daddy, now known to the public as Full Time Daddy, AKA Stay at Home Dad, AKA Mr. Mom, AKA That Poor Clueless Guy who has No Idea What he is Doing. I have been told repeatedly by various grandparents, friends, co-workers, etc., that I have an OBLIGATION to maintain this blog with the same frequency and quality as my Predecessor Amber, AKA Mom. So without further ado, here it is, my first blog...

Of the dozens of toys we own to amuse and placate our little Monster none have pulled their weight more than this abused second hand mobile we have over the changing table. The hook snapped off a long time ago so the whole thing is being held together with a twist tie, the one red truck is literally hanging on by a thread, and Daddy lynched some unfortunate teddy bear to replace a missing truck. That poor teddy bear. He always gets it worst of all. That's what you get for having arms and legs. Too easy to grab.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

A big thank you to Ama for the monkey costume. We all know Richie, aka Dad, can't resist a theme.

Monday, October 5, 2009

In serious need of adult conversation

Last night Max and I sat, well he laid there while I sat down, for a very stimulating conversation. He had a lot to say. Please excuse my long and drawn out babbling that I do in this video. Clearly I am lacking in the adult conversation department lately.

You can tell this kid is just like his Dad too. Easily distracted by the TV and really not listening to a word I'm saying.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

If you need a pick me up for the day...

feel free to use this video of Max to do the trick. I hope he brings a smile to your face when you watch it. It is moments like these that make it all worth it. I'm sure every parent out there can attest to that.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Rag time

Like Richard says in this video, we spend hundreds of dollars on toys for this baby and guess what his favorite thing is? A rag.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Last night we were all hanging out in Max's room just chillin'. Here is a little video I took. Do you think Max looks like Daddy or what?
This is how exciting life gets on a Friday nights now.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Who knew hands could be so fascinating

Max has two favorite things these days...and unfortunately they are not his Mom and Dad.
They are his hands, his glorious, mysterious hands.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A special thanks

Max wanted to give thanks to his new buddy, Simon as well as his Auntie Katy for a few of his favorite things...for right now at least.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

More bath footage

Here is another video of Max freaking out in the bath. He loves the bath so much, he just can't contain it.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

T Time

Here is a look at Max one night not to long ago doing a little tummy time action.
His pediatrician said that he is a bit advanced at his motor skills when it comes to his leg and arm movement. Oh man, I think we better get our energy levels up now because he is going to be moving sooner than we think.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Bath spaz

We swear that Max really loves taking a bath, but sometimes, he acts like a spaz and it appears he wants to get out.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Smile for the camera

One of many few but here is a smile from Mr. Max. You have to pay close attention though or else you will miss it. He gives it up pretty quick at the beginning of the video but usually he makes us work pretty hard for it.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

2 months & 1 smile

Take a look at these two monkeys. Max is the one on the right with the smirk on his face. That is as close as we are going to get to a smile with this little thinker.

Friday, August 14, 2009

2 months

Picture to come soon but wanted to acknowledge this milestone today, the 14th of August as 2 full months without going completey crazy from sleep deprivation. Oh, and happy 2 month birthday to Max, our baby boy. :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Famcino Visit Part Deux

Today was the first day without any Mancino clan around. It has been a whirlwind of fun having family in town but now they are gone and we miss them tremendously. To keep my mind off of missing then, Max and I decided to go to the mall and do some retail therapy. First, off to Babies r Us. Man o man. When the cashier rang me up, I was shouting 'holy crap' in my head. I spent way too much money there. I'm beginning to think Babies R Us is like can't leave that place without spending $100. Anyway here are some random snapshots from the family visit.

Aunt Joy and Max just hanging out

Uncle Tom and Max having a very intriguing conversation about how to help Mom and Dad by sleeping thru the night.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Garden

A big thank you to Nana for helping us out these past two weeks. She took the morning shift with Max so I could get some much needed sweet sweet sleep, cooked, cleaned, did laundry and if that wasn't enough, she also got our garden in tip top shape. Thanks Nana. We love you and miss you already.
Amber, Richie and Max

Friday, June 19, 2009

Max's first video

here is a first live action look at Max on his birthday. you can ignore the audio since I was babbling on the phone to someone and didn't know Richard was recording.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Introducing Max Mancino

Maxwell Vincent Mancino
born Sunday, June 14th at 5:59 a.m
Weighing in at 7lbs. 8oz, 19 1/2 inches long.
Mommy, Daddy and baby are all happy home and healthy.
Here are some photos we took on his birthday.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The countdown is on it is, probably the last or one of the last pictures before I give birth to Max.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Where's Max?

Looks like little Max is sitting tight for now. No progress since last week. Could still be a few weeks away, could be tomorrow....we just don't know. We are ready though. I think. (wink wink)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

False alarm

I guess Max just wanted to give us a little scare before he enters the world and test us to make sure we really had everything ready for his arrival. So far, no baby.
But, looks like it could be any day now. That latest update is that I'm a few cm dilated and Max is very low and ready to go. Just don't know when that will be. I will keep everyone updated though.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Baby Bump Progression

I have officially finished the first and second trimesters and am on my way into the third and final one. Wowzers how time goes by fast it seems. Here is a collage of my belly up thru 25 weeks. I haven't taken any other recent photos yet simply because they are not going to fit into this progression photo anymore. Guess I'll have to begin phase 2 of the baby bump progression soon.
Good thing my Dad gave me these prego pj bottoms at Christmas. I was convinced I wasn't going to need anything that big. Ha, ha, ha. Or should I say ho, ho, ho.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Not an Amber Jr.

Although you can't tell from this picture, we found out we are having a boy! He is suppose to be here June 11th, so come this summer we will welcome the newest Mancino family member.