Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Baby Gaga

Max loves Lady Gaga...almost as much as he loves himself.


Anonymous said...

Hello, Amber, I'm Cheryl, Jess Shaw's mom. I strayed onto your Blog through hers, and I must tell you that I've fallen in love with your son. I love little boys. Jess' brothers were dirty and disgusting and drove me nuts, but I was always laughing. How do you feel about a betrothal between Max and Nina?

The Mancino Chronicles said...

Hi Cheryl
Thank you. We think Max is pretty worthy of loving too. But you are right...they are gross, disgusting and stinky all the time. Max is far too gross for little Nina. He literally, I'm not even kidding you, tries to eat her. But who wouldn't want to eat that little baby girl up, right? She is precious. You must be such a proud Grandma.