To keep things fresh, I wanted to post a few pictures from our Christmas in NJ. I, Amber, am now back in the Attle, missing my boys ever so much. They return to me next week so until then, Richie and I will be doing some bi-coastal blogging to keep everyone up-to-date. Here are a series of 'firsts' for Max.
In a large family like mine there is an interesting relationship that develops between the oldest and youngest sibling. It is a little like parent training. I look at Max now and I remember what Marc and Jackie were like at that age, and to a lesser extent Michael and Joy. I remember the fun I had when playing of them, teaching them things, showing them something for the first time.
So if there are any older siblings out there just starting nice to your younger siblings, they think you are the coolest thing in the world. And when they grow up you want them to have memories of what an awesome older brother you were.
7 years after their intial cluster of children, (or as I like to call them, The Original Three) my parents decided to have another child. To this day they swear Jackie was not an accident. I guess I just have to take their word for it. This one ran a little long (probably because video tape was a lot cheaper than 8mm film) so I had to post it in two parts.
Mom has let it slip more than once that she really wanted a girl when I was born. I'm sure she thought it would never happen when Michael was born. Then, finally, she got her little girl.
Next up is Michael, born March 5th, 1975. My brother was always my best friend growing up so please don't misinterpret any of my actions in this video.
Four months to the day after each of his children were born my father shot a short movie depicting how they were "found." We always loved these growing up and despite the countless hours of home movies taken over the years it was always these goofy little shorts we would pull off the shelf and watch whenever we were feeling nostalgic.
So when Max was born I knew we would be creating an origin video for him.
We hope you like it, but before the debut we invite you to enjoy the movies that started it all.
Everyday, now until Christmas, I will be posting one of the Mancino children's origin videos with special commentary from the creator himself, my father (with additional commentary from the co-creator, my mother)
So, without further ado, for the first time anywhere besides our living room, my origin video.
We are now 2 days into our 2 week tour of NJ. And by tour I mean Nana's kitchen, Kohls, Marshalls, and Costco. All of which we have already been to at least once already. We would have blogged sooner, but it is always crazy when we first get into town. Made only craizier this time around with the addition of Max and his adorable cousin Romolo (making his debut on the Mancino Chronicles) The weekend is here and we are not sure the next time we are going to get to blog so here is a lovely potpourri of what has been going on so far.
Well he finally did it, Max finally learned how to roll over. We are so proud of our little man. Of course, this makes it a bit more difficult to take his picture now.
We had a great Christmas kick off weekend. First, Richie and I were able to enjoy a Maxless night which was awesome. We were able to walk around in downtown Seattle, see some lights, take in a movie and then enjoy a nice meal together. The best part though....getting some glorious sleep. It was a Christmas Miracle! Then Saturday, we headed down to Ama's house for Christmas and retrieve our son. Max got his first Christmas present, seen below....Ty said that he should help Max open it since it was his first time. Good thing Max has Ty to show him the ropes..or should I say, rip the paper.
Today I took Max down to see the Gingerbread Village at the downtown Seattle Sheraton. It was okay, I guess I was expecting a little bit more. To call it a Gingerbread village is a bit of stretch. It's more like a Gingerbread gated community. Oh well, far be it from me to humbug your holiday plans, feel free to judge for yourself.
Here is the link if you want more info: