Thursday, January 19, 2012


This snow day week has sure been an interesting one.  For those of you who live here, you know what I'm talking about.  For those of you lucky enough not have endured the weather here in the Pacific Northwest for the last week, consider yourself lucky.  Here are a few shots from our adventures at home.

The first storm produced enough for a snowman.  Here are Max and Richie with their finished product

The second dump of snow brought much more accumulation and freezing temperatures making it hard to enjoy being outside.

Triple down on danger with this one.
(Don't worry, we were just testing out the chains on the car in the driveway.)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Oppa Shoppa

For the past several months Max has been regularly singing a song we simply refer to as the "Oppa Shoppa song." Max is no stranger to belting out random melodies throughout the day, and normally we're able to decipher his toddlerese after a few bars. But no matter how many times he sings the Oppa Shoppa song we can't figure out what the heck it's suppose to be. We've asked daycare and they have no idea either, although they have admitted to hearing him sing it. It is always the same tune, same words. I've transcribed it below. If you have any idea what this song is please let us know, it's driving me crazy. The only other reasonable explanation I've come up with is that my son is a musical virtuoso and has begun composing orginal scores at age 2.

The Oppa Shoppa Song:

Oppa Shoppa Oppa Shoppa
Needa Needa
Cap Cap Cap