Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Last Fall when it was time for pictures at Max's daycare, I was positive that I had gone through every possible scenario in my head of what could have gone wrong for the photo.  Hysterical crying, red marks all over Max's face, or a ward-robe malfunction....I was ready for any of those things to happen.  But what I wasn't ready for was for ALL of those things to happen all at once.  Needless to say, the picture did NOT turn out so well.   And of course we bought them all.  Suckers. 
Fast forward to March when the second round of school pictures were taken and viola.
There you have it, a pretty good picture and some redemption. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is adorable no matter what!!! Love the picture !! And thanks for sending me some!! Love you guys!! Ariana!!