Saturday, May 22, 2010

If Cayman only knew

Max loves Cayman.  Strike that, Max loooooooooooves Cayman.
Cayman, on the other hand, will do ANYTHING not to be near Max. 
Next time you see or talk to Richard, ask him how is wounds are doing from this picture?
Thank you again to Heather for capturing some great moments for us.  This one is one of my favorites.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

11 months

We tried to get this one right, but we have an 11 month old and he doesn't like to stay put or cooperate as much anymore.  Not our best work, but hopefully you get the idea.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Surprise flowers at work for Mom

What a nice surprise to get Mother's Day flowers at work today.  Thank you Max!  I'm very impressed that Max has learned to order flowers but yet still doesn't crawl.  I guess that solidifies the fact that you technically don't have to be mobile to get anything done.

In case you can't read the card this is what it says:
Happy Mother's Day! You are the best Mommy ever! I am one lucky little bald baby boy.  I love you this much. (I'm holding my arms all the way out and grunting)
Dad says he love you too.