Today is a good day. Today is my birthday.I have many many people that love and care about me. It feels good to be special for a day, I must admit.
I was first surprised when Richard made me a special birthfast, that is breakfast and birthday combined by the way. He made me eggs and toast but the egg was in the middle of the toast. I'm sure this has a name, but I don't know what it is. I should have taken a photo but I didn't.
Then I opened presents, which were the Indiana Jones DVD set - awesome and I can't believe we didn't have that yet and the bestest sweater shaver in the world. I might have accidentally unravelled half my sweather today by using it but damn, it sure got the little balls off.
this is pretty much what it looks like:
Then off to work. When I got into to work, I was surprised again to see a present on my desk from Chris & Gemma. And looky here...inside was a nice ample supply of Crown Royal (my favorite) and a picture of Richard performing stand up comedy at Giggles last week.
Two of my favorite things, together in one box.
The best part of this whole day is yet to come. Tonight, after a great Italian dinner with some friends, Richard will be performing comedy at Giggles as a special birthday present for me. How special is that?