Saturday, November 27, 2010

Stir Crazy

With the recent weather we had here in Seatlle combined with time off for the Thanksgiving Holiday, we have been getting a little stir crazy.  We went from clear, sunny and very cold days to snow and ice - all within a week.  It has been very theraputic having to live with each other non-stop for almost a week.  We can honestly say we are thankful for wine, presto logs, dangerous things you find in junk drawers and above all else, each other. 


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Please excuse...

the fact our house is a mess, the fact both of us are in our pajamas and for the shaky cam (thanks Uncle Michael). For those that haven't seen our house, here is it in it's real, raw form.

Here you go Nana, for your viewing pleasure.