Sunday, April 18, 2010

Max is 10 months

There has not been much new to report over the past month with two notable exceptions...

Max has started making the ugliest face possible...and Nana is in town for the next two weeks.

Now I'm not saying that one has anything to do with the other, I'm sure it is just a coincidence.


Unknown said...

Ok this your cousin with her 10 cent comment(notice I said 10 cent in honor of Max's 10 months on this earth). Cute picture of Max and Nana!! One of the best!! Of Nana because Max always take very cute pictures. I love love that face on Max!! He looks like he is saying "This is my Nana, and if any one has a problem with that I don't mind solving it!!" Anyways, much love to you guys and Happy 10 months Max!! Love Always Your 2nd Cousin Ariana!!

Christa Charter said...

ahahaha. That face matches Allison's new horrendous screeching noise. Whee for 10 months!